domingo, 13 de septiembre de 2015

The Strain - The Assassin - Advanced Preview

As The Strain advances through its second season we can see the major arcs come to a head and certain characters reveal their true natures. The episode this Sunday - The Assassin - shows the lengths that our heroes will go to exact revenge on The Master and his minions. Four episodes remain this season and I am beginning to enjoy The Strain even more as it progresses through the current major story arc of locating the elusive Occido Lumen.

The episode this Sunday is basically two stories. Half is a continuation of Eph's Washington D.C. storyline as he readies to seek vengeance against The Stoneheart Group for attempting to kill him during his visit there. If you remember, Eph travelled to the capital to help get his and Nora's cure for the virus into the hands of capable people willing to help the cause. Eldritch Palmer and his Stoneheart group must have gotten wind of this and sent someone to handle the situation. Since Eph has survived he has had only revenge on his mind and nothing will get in his way of achieving that goal.

The other story told this Sunday is a continuation of the major plot line of our heroes attempting to obtain the Occido Lumen. Setrakian, Nora and Fet play detectives as they search high and low for the ancient tome in homes and apartment buildings all over New York. Setrakian is all too consumed with his search and sometimes as he searches for one goal he loses sight of another. 

What you will enjoy most out of this episode is probably the pairing of Eph and Dutch throughout. I really enjoy watching these characters together even though they seem the least likely to form a lasting bond. Deep down they do have similarities. The episode is not the best of the season, but it is a great hour dedicated to showing us more about the inner workings of Eph's ever evolving thought process. You will also see the parallels being drawn between Eph and Setrakian as the episode bounces back between the two storylines. It's a fun episode that will prepare us for the final three hours of the season. 

I hope you all enjoy the episode of The Strain this Sunday! Please check back next week for my Review of the episode where we can discuss it and season in full! Have a great weekend everyone!

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